Grounding techniques as practised and their health benefits
Grounding techniques as practised and their health benefits . All beings on Earth are connected to each other and to the planet. However, in their evolution and constant transformation of lifestyles, people are increasingly disconnected from this connection and even lose touch with themselves and their present moment.
Reconnecting is a practice that can help you stop living in the past, let go of unwanted memories and release negative emotions. It is also a way to reconnect with your true self and focus on what is happening in the moment.
Grounding is a well-known technique used to treat anxiety. It can be very helpful in dealing with panic or anxiety attacks.
Despite this, there are many people who still do not know what it is. That’s why in today’s article, we’ll talk about what it is, how it is practiced, and what benefits it has.
Despite this, there are many people who still don’t know what the grounding technique is. Therefore, in today’s article, we will talk about what it is, how it is practiced, and what advantages it has.
Here we go!
What is grounding?
Grounding, and the technique we are going to talk about today has a lot to do with this concept. In other words, it helps a person suffering from anxiety to return to reality and stay in the present. It is used to gain control over mood and emotions and reconnect with the world.
Some people also associate mindfulness with the practice of
It is also a very easy technique to use and is ideal for those moments when we are overwhelmed by anxiety and negative emotions or when we are haunted by intrusive thoughts or ruminations. In the following sections, we will explain its benefits and how to use it.
When we are anxious, most of our thoughts are focused on the past or the future. In other words, we are not in the present and do not have rational thoughts. Therefore, it is important to have techniques that will help us reconnect with the present and the situation we are in.
This technique can be very useful for the above purposes. However, this is only if it is combined with other techniques aimed at reducing anxiety.
How does grounding work?
It can be applied in different ways. Ultimately, it is a set of techniques that have one goal: to reconnect with the environment and the present. We will explain the most common options.
Exercise “Three three
To practice, you need to close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. After listening for a while, think about which sounds you hear best. Then open your eyes and name the first three colours you see most vividly. Finally, you should name out loud the three sensations that your body is experiencing at this moment.
This option is the shortest and is very easy to perform and remember how to do.
Grounding technique 5,4, 3, 2, 1
It is also known as the mindfulness technique. The goal is the same as the previous technique, i.e. to reconnect a person with the present and regain control of the situation in moments of greatest anxiety and elation.
However, the way it is performed is a bit more complicated than the previous one, as it requires memorising a number of steps. These steps are as follows:
1.Think of five things you can see at the moment. These can be objects that surround you, for example: a keyboard, a window, a door, a computer, a mobile phone… 2. Now think of four things you can touch. The goal is to get you to feel the texture. For example, you might notice the feel and texture of the T-shirt you are wearing. 3. Then notice what 3 things you can hear. For example, the noise of a computer, a car horn, etc. 4. Then analyse what 2 things you can smell. You can look at the cologne you wear, the smell of your hair, etc. 5. Finally, after all of the above, think of 1 thing you can taste. It could be the candy in your pocket or even the thought of the freshness of your morning toothpaste.
Other methods of grounding…
In addition to the two previous ones, which are perhaps the most famous and recommended by psychologists for establishing contact with reality, there are many others, such as walking barefoot and feeling the ground, walking on different surfaces, breathing exercises, etc.
Psychological techniques to focus on the present
Memory games
Look at the photo or image for 5-10 seconds. Then turn it upside down and try to recreate it in your mind in as much detail as possible. You can mentally list all the things you remember from the photo.
Use maths and numbers
Even if you’re not good at maths, numbers can help you focus. You can try the following exercises:
Repeat one of the multiplication tables. Count backwards from 100.
Read something
Think of a poem, song or book passage that you know by heart. Read it quietly to yourself or silently in your mind. If you say the words out loud, focus on the shape of each word on your lips.
You know yourself and you know what makes you laugh the most. It’s time to open your meme album, a list of funny kitten videos, comedy or stand-up shows, or your friend who always tells you the best jokes. Laughing is good for your health because when you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which not only give you a feeling of joy and well-being, but also help fight stress and depression, reduce pain and help you sleep better.
Imagine leaving painful feelings behind.
Sit with your pet
If you are at home and have a pet, spend a few minutes sitting next to it, petting it and focusing on the feel of its fur and its texture. If you have a small pet that you can carry in your arms, focus on how you feel when you hold it; feel the warmth of its body and the rhythm of its breathing.
List of favourite things
List three favourite things from several different categories, for example, food, flowers, songs, films, books. This will help you to separate your mind from the negative by focusing on all the things you enjoy and make you happy.
You can also think about your favourite place and use all your senses to create a mental image. Think about the colours you see, the sounds you hear and the sensations you feel on your skin.
Make a list of positive things
Write down or mentally list four to five things in your life that bring you joy, briefly visualise each one and allow yourself to experience the feelings you usually have when you encounter them in reality.
Practice kindness to yourself and others Repeat kind, positive, and motivating phrases to yourself;
Listen to the music
Turn on your favourite song, focus on the melody and lyrics (if any) and the physical sensations it makes you feel.
Reconnecting with the Earth, nature and yourself to focus on the present and distract from negative emotions is not always easy. Keep in mind that it may take some time before these techniques start to work for you, but if you don’t notice a change at first, don’t give up, be consistent and patient, and you will start to see positive results after a while.
Just as mindfulness is a technique that can be effective, it must be used in conjunction with other techniques. –🧡
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