The joy of noticing the good in every day
The joy of noticing the good in every day. How often are you happy? How many times a day? And is it every day? Does happiness depend on how you look at what is happening? Is it possible to find it in hundreds of simple daily coincidences? Or does it pamper you with its presence only occasionally and on the most special days? On this gloomy morning, my soul is dusty, my mood is nowhere. I ask myself, where is the joy in this chaotic world?
And then the memories came to mind – that’s what joy is. It’s about small moments of everyday happiness, very simple, sometimes unpretentious, those that quickly fade from memory.
It’s about the smell of freshly brewed coffee coming from the kitchen, crisp, well-pressed white sheets in the hotel, a dense bouquet of strong, fresh tulips on the table, good music, laughing for no reason with your loved ones and walking alone along the embankments, about sinking your fingers into the soft fur of a fat, lazy cat, about gelato melting in the sun, about the smell of books in the semi-darkness of the library, about the sound of wheels on the train and about warm hugs.
In short, about everything that you sometimes forget to see and appreciate properly.

Start noticing even the tiniest bits of good and special in each and every day. You can even start keeping a gratitude diary, which helps you to look at the world from an unusual angle. Smile!
Smile at your loved ones in the morning, at the security guard in the shopping centre, and at the barista in the cafe. You’ll see how much sunnier your day will be, because it’s so obvious and so simple, but sometimes it’s so hard not to let yourself forget.
Surround yourself with positivity

If you’re used to watching horror stories and reading only crime chronicles in the newspapers, don’t expect luck to knock on your door.
To lure it, you need to surround yourself with everything with a plus sign: beautiful things, major music, good people and your favourite animals
By letting only good things into your heart, you are programming yourself for joy, happiness, and luck.
Praise yourself
Enjoy your small victories. Sometimes we complain: “Is this success? It’s nothing. Look at the achievements of others!” Never devalue your own successes, otherwise they will stop coming to you!
On the contrary, give yourself praise even for a small thing you’ve done in good faith. And reward yourself with a gift. Psychologists advise putting this gift in a prominent place – like a victory cup. Then there is an incentive to achieve success again.
Get in touch with nature
A short holiday outside the metropolis will fill you with healing energy. Walk barefoot on the grass, touch the bark of a tree, breathe in the resinous smell of the forest, listen to the sound of the river and the chirping of birds, and in winter, listen to the crunch of snow under your feet…
Even a walk in the park will help you relieve accumulated fatigue and aggression, release your internal reserves – physical, intellectual, creative, emotional – and you will start spending your energy in the right direction again.
Believe in your luck
It is easy to find signs of success in your life. It only seems that there is no reason to be happy, but in fact you are a chosen one and you are already lucky: you have a roof over your head, you are not hungry and you are free to make your own choices in life.
Sum up all the good points and be happy for yourself.
If you feel lucky, you will already be halfway to success.
With such a start-up capital! All you have to do is put in a little effort.
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