How to regain motivation: 5 useful tips | Psychology

Don’t worry, yes, we all have motivation, it’s just that for certain things it is present to a greater or lesser extent. It is impossible not to have motivation. However, I will briefly and simply explain to you what it is and why it is important. The importance of motivation: Motivation is the engine that drives our world.


  • What is motivation?
  • Signs that indicate a lack of motivation
  • How to regain motivation? 5 tips from psychologists
Motivation is one of the psychological aspects that is most closely related to human development. It is not characterised as a personal trait, but as an interaction between a person and a situation, so it differs from one person to another, and it can change in the same person at different times and in different situations.

To motivate someone, in a general sense, means to create an environment in which they can meet their goals by putting their energy and effort into it, so it is important that managers master this topic so that they can assess and act to ensure that individual goals align as closely as possible with those of the organisation.

Signs that indicate a lack of motivation:

  • Negative thoughts – we think that everything is wrong with us
  • Fear of the outcome, we don’t want to disappoint ourselves or those who believed in our goal
  • Pessimism – we believe that in the end nothing will work out
  • Whether sadly or reluctantly, we no longer feel the excitement and happiness of those small steps that once seemed like a triumph
  • Insomnia, poor sleep quality and sometimes night sweats
  • Stress, headaches and dizziness

What is motivation?

From an etymological point of view, the word “motivation” consists of the Latin motivus (movement) and the suffix –tion (action and effect).

Motivation is also important for implementing and maintaining new habits in our daily lives. Adopting a habit requires a lot of effort, and in order to do so, we need to have the desire to fulfil the need (intrinsic motivation).

Motivation is an internal state that prompts, directs and sustains behaviour

The motivation can be related to our own interest in the subject or to the fact that we need this knowledge for something (for work or for our own survival, for example, to change a car tyre).

People do not always feel motivated at work or in their personal lives.

You may have doubts about your goals and ambitions.

This uncertainty can have a negative impact on the psychological state, so it is important to take some measures to regain motivation and thus feel better.

Here are some tips:

1. Know yourself

To regain motivation, it is important to know who we are, what our interests are, what makes us happy; and what worries us, what causes stress and anxiety.

To do this, for example, it can be helpful to try to ask ourselves what actions or situations bring us pleasure, what factors determine the enjoyment of that moment, and what personal values and interests are associated with that action or situation.

2. Focus on what is happening here and now

It often happens that we get lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and reflections on what has happened or what will happen.

This trend is not good for our motivation.

It is important to learn to focus on what is happening here and now.

To interrupt the flow of thoughts, you can, for example, ask yourself the following questions: “How am I feeling right now?”, “What is around me right now?”, “How am I feeling?”.

This will allow us to ground ourselves in the reality of the present moment.

Grounding techniques as practised and their health benefits

3. Set goals and improve the organisation

To stay motivated in the short and long term, it’s important to keep your goals in mind.

In order to restore our mental well-being, we must ask ourselves what we want to achieve or where we want to go.

Once we have identified our goals, it can be helpful to put them down in writing and identify sub-goals that will help us achieve the ultimate goal.

But be careful! It’s important that the goals we set for ourselves are realistic and achievable, otherwise it’s easy to get discouraged and demotivated.

4. Don’t force yourself. Give yourself time

It is important to remember that our physical and mental strength is not unlimited and that it is normal to feel tired.

At such moments, you should stop. Striving or forcing ourselves to exhaustion does not help us achieve our goals and demotivates us.

For example, at such times we can devote ourselves to simple things that make us happy, such as walking in nature or spending a day of leisure with a loved one or children.

Often, simple manual work, such as fixing something or cleaning the garage, brings satisfaction and peace of mind because we can see the result in a short time.

5. Celebrate your achievements

Sometimes we cannot enjoy an achievement because we are already focused on the next goal or task.

It is important to try to resist this tendency by reviewing what allowed us to achieve our goals and recognising our achievements.

In addition, we must always remember that we can make mistakes along the way.

They should not be judged harshly! It is only through mistakes that we can grow, so let’s not demotivate ourselves, but learn to grow even in difficult times.

In conclusion

Each of us may find ourselves struggling to find the strength and inspiration to achieve our goals and give our best, whether at work or in our personal lives.

Working on your motivation is a great way to ensure your psychophysical well-being and protect your quality of life.

Remember: it is easier and more effective to take 5 small steps than 1 big one

May motivation be with you; –🧡

Emotional intelligence is the ability to create harmony between the “mind and heart”, i.e. to use emotions wisely…

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