Healing with creativity – or how simple, effective ways to solve psychological problems?

Healing with creativity – Art therapy. Can a brush and paint solve your inner conflict? Can a piece of clay help you cope with depression? Will a few handfuls of sand help you regain your self-confidence? Art therapists assure that yes, that art is a simple and effective way to solve psychological problems and conflicts, to understand your place in the world and to gain inner harmony

Each of us faces a variety of problems in our lives that can cause various negative feelings – irritation, fear, anxiety, misunderstanding, doubt, resentment or anger.

Some people are able to deal with these situations on their own, while others may need help. Most people find it easier to express their thoughts or feelings in visual forms, such as a drawing.

That is why art therapy is considered to be one of the most comfortable and exciting areas in psychology for correcting the emotional state.

Healing with creativity - Art therapy.

If you take a sheet of paper, paint or pencil and draw whatever comes to mind, a good specialist will be able to determine your psychological state, read your problems and fears from this drawing. Do this task and look at the drawing you get.

Is the middle empty or not? Is the whole sheet occupied or clustered somewhere in one place? What colours predominate: red, black, brown or light? Or maybe the lines are straight, but dead and soulless? Not only can a specialist see this, but you can also determine that it’s time to treat your soul. This is what Art Therapy studies – a method of healing human souls with creativity.

Everyone is capable of expressing themselves in different ways, through the choice of hairstyle and clothes, through movement, through drawings, through poetry and prose

For any creative person, this is the only opportunity to express themselves, to talk about their feelings, experiences and thoughts.

All people are capable of creating, but the need for it is different, some are stronger, some are weaker. It is Art Therapy that provides an opportunity for self-expression, for satisfying one’s needs. This is its main task.
Art therapy

Today, unfortunately, people forget about the creative approach to their lives. Today, most people believe that people’s lives are predetermined from childhood, and they are convinced that society dictates its own conditions. We are increasingly accustomed to looking at life from a practical point of view, from the point of view of personal gain.

In art therapy, symbolic images are used, and it is through them that we gain access to these unknown capabilities and abilities, develop different ways of thinking, change perception, and make it more complete.

It is an opportunity to understand yourself better and gain more confidence. It is an opportunity to clarify the meaning through the formation of an understanding of the uniqueness of one’s personality.

Creativity opens up wounds, allows you to be aware of yourself, the feelings of other people, your past and the possibilities of the future. It is multifaceted and has a choice of means to express itself: from writing your own diary, drawing, sculpting, singing, knitting, playing various instruments to creating crafts and neurography. Creativity has a therapeutic effect, allowing you to create new programmes and/or restart old ones.

The techniques used in Art Therapy help to relieve psycho-emotional stress, open up creative abilities, open up creative abilities, change attitudes towards the world, towards loved ones and people around you.

Art therapy is a method of self-knowledge that improves life

Here are some ways it can help heal:

expression of emotions.

Creativity can be a way of expressing emotions that may be difficult to put into words. For example, writing poetry or drawing can help you experience some form of inner peace, reduce stress and improve your mood

self-expression and self-discovery

Creativity can help a person identify and express their ideas and experiences, and increase self-knowledge and self-esteem. It can have a positive impact on well-being and help heal emotional wounds

relaxation and meditation

Creativity can be a way to relax and focus. For example, colouring mandalas or embroidery can be a form of meditation that helps to reduce stress and anxiety,
Social interaction. Creativity can be a way to communicate and interact with other people. Music, for example, can bring people together and create a community that can help to gain support and heal feelings of loneliness and alienation.

Pay attention to the paintings of different variants, because each of them carries its own emotions – it is an outpouring of emotion, sometimes positive, sometimes not. We can see a similar phenomenon in literature and music.

Creativity allows you to look at your inner world from the outside.

Thus, creativity can help heal physical and emotional wounds, increase self-knowledge and support from other people.

It is important to remember that each person is unique, so the creative process may differ depending on their needs and preferences.

However, in any case, creativity can be a source of satisfaction, a sense of self-realisation and self-expression, which in turn can help to strengthen the psychological state and improve the quality of life.

There is no need to prove or explain that music has an amazing effect on us.

There is music for healing digestion, headaches, heart, etc.

For the treatment of various body systems.

It works on a psychological level, music evokes mood and excitement. Music carries a charge of energy and has a favourable effect on a person.

The inner self manifests itself effectively when we are in touch with creativity, because it is a process of uniting the subconscious with reality, which compensates and relieves mental stress. Creativity therapy is not an escape from conflict – it is living with it and accumulating resources. Out of chaos and irrationality, a result is born that allows you to manifest and declare your identity. By nature, people are prone to competition and hostility, society imposes its veto, and creativity lifts it.

Art therapy is a good alternative for those people – young or old, male or female, teenagers – who find it difficult to express themselves.

Creativity helps you just live, provides a resource, because it is aimed at creation, not destruction.

It is an interaction and contact that does not depend on language, nationality, age, religion.

It helps to control symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity, helps to treat anxiety, overcome stress and improve self-esteem.

While preparing this article, we thought that today we all need creativiy, an active process of creation, more than ever. It hurts every day someon has lost a loved one or is forced to start life from scratch, death, destruction, annihilation, hatred, loss of meaning every day! Not everyone can put into words what hurts. We caryy a terrible weight inside us. But through creativity – drawing, dancing, modelling, applique, collage – a person can tell about the pain and moreover, free themselves from it! So find some pencils and some paper and start the healing process.

Ultimately, creativity can be a powerful healing tool that can improve a person’s physical and psychological well-being.

Welcome to the centre for spiritual development and healing of body and soul. Heal your life – Dushevnyjlekar.com🧡

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