If you have come across this article, then you have already taken the first steps towards a new life!
Then you have already taken the first steps towards a new life! Why should you engage in self-development? In particular, it is a feeling of meaninglessness in life, apathy, procrastination, and bad habits. So, if life doesn’t bring you joy and your mood has become chronic, it’s time to assess at what stage of your life you have lost yourself. So, you need to urgently get your life back on track with the help of self-development.
There is a Chinese proverb that a journey of a thousand li always begins with one small step. If you have come across this article, it means that you have already taken the first steps towards a new life! What do you do next? In this article, you will learn how self-development, or working on yourself, can help you improve your life.
You will learn exactly how you can work on your personal skill, the ability to do something, which you can start doing right now, as soon as you finish reading the last line of our article on https://dushevnyjlekar.com
What is the main thing in self-development?
What is self-development? For you, it means self-study, independent search for knowledge and mastery of skills. Your inner world will change in terms of your aspirations and desires. For some, it is hard work on their own consciousness, skills, personal qualities and inner motivations.
For others, it is about correcting bad habits, getting rid of the burden of the past, and seriously working on mistakes. In self-development, it all depends on you, what you expect from learning for yourself.
Here are the steps to make positive changes in your life

Every psychologist and coach can create an individual self-development programme for their clients based on what the person’s aspirations are. The self-improvement plan drawn up for you is similar to each other and has common trends:
1. Learn to understand yourself properly Who are you? What do you love? What is important to you? What things would you never create? What are you living for? What do you want to change?
2. What to change in yourself. What do you want to learn? What to get rid of? What to improve? What is worth finding?
3. How to learn to love and respect yourself? Full self-acceptance is a very difficult stage, so you may need the help of a psychologist.
4. Start planning your life. What do you expect from yourself in a month? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?
5. Plan your development in your profession. What exactly do you want to achieve professionally in your work? What is your approach to developing yourself in your profession?
6. Take care of your health. The expression “a healthy mind in a healthy body” will never lose its relevance. What prevents us from doing exercises in the morning, even if it’s just for 15 minutes?
7. Look at your surroundings – who do you communicate with? It’s true that we are, to some extent, a reflection of our loved ones or friends. Perhaps there are those among your acquaintances who drag you down?
8. Learn to manage your most valuable asset – time. How do you manage everything? Are all the things in your diary really that important?
9. Start working on yourself every day in the morning. Analyse your thoughts, emotions and actions. Admit your mistakes and successes. Be a true friend to yourself, not an enemy.
The most important things in self-development are: uniqueness, working on yourself, applying knowledge and experience for the benefit of others
In psychology, self-development is defined simultaneously in the following triad:
1. Self-affirmation: to be better than others. As a person develops, he or she is filled with knowledge, experience, skills, thoughts, feelings, and views of the world, and a unique personality is formed.
2. When the time comes to be better than your past self, it is time for self-improvement. Work on oneself, the purpose of which is a conscious desire to improve our qualities, skills, abilities, which are very necessary for personal growth and achievement of goals.
3. Being better than your expectations is called self-actualisation. The desire for self-realisation, namely, the desire to translate into reality the possibilities inherent in it and to learn how to use its content for the benefit of others.
Engaging in self-development every day, we change ourselves to improve our lives

Self-development helps us to understand what we like, what we want to do, what we are best at.
1. You will learn to focus on where you are now and what you can improve for yourself and others. Brain gum only distracts you from life.
2. You will be comfortable with changing psychological roles, parent, adult and child – these roles are present at any age of any person.
3. You will be able to learn to understand yourself, your motivation for your goals, find out what inspires and guides you and what pulls you down.
4. You will be able to correctly assess the incoming information, which will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes.
5. You will become a conscious person who is ready for changes in yourself and the world around you and will find the best qualities or moments in them to bring them in and improve your life.
6. Gain advanced skills that influence the development of new skills and abilities. These will be useful in your personal and professional life.
7. You will become a mature person, an emotionally mature person recognises his/her mistakes and strives to correct them, knows his/her weaknesses, but also notices what he/she is strong in, can set goals and achieve them, and is not afraid to take responsibility in life.
What prevents us from developing and improving ourselves?
Every day we promise ourselves to start changing something for the better on Monday, but we give up by Tuesday evening, don’t we? It is important to understand that you will face various internal conflicts while acquiring some skills:
Fear of failure. Many people start doing something and then give up halfway through, afraid that they won’t be able to show their best skills and bring it to life. They ask themselves: Why do something if it won’t work out?
External oppression or criticism. You may be undergoing internal changes, a new outlook on life, you may experience misunderstanding, disapproval, criticism from other people, friends, with a different established view of life. But do you really care what people think of you?
Not knowing where to go next. Habits change, life changes. You have a desire to do something new: you’ve given up smoking, learnt English, started running in the morning… And now what do you do with all this? That is why we advise you to start your self-development by understanding how and where to move on after you start changing.
Self-doubt. Self-doubt is the fear of being yourself. A person is very afraid to show true feelings and express their individuality, and develops against the background of ignorance of themselves and their potential. They may be burdened by negative past experiences. What if they fail again? But mistakes are necessary to learn from them – it’s a must.
Fear of change. People are conservative by nature. Often, the fear of change is closely related to the fear of failure and mistakes – in response to changes, the psyche tests us with stress. But do you want to continue living in dissatisfaction with yourself and life? Or are you ready to try to acquire new skills or realise your potential?
How do we get better as we grow?
Everyone knows about the chain of denial – anger – bargaining – depression – acceptance. A person who chooses self-development over established negative habits or programmes largely comes to this understanding:
1. Aware of the need to change something and the need for change.
2. Accepts oneself, understanding one’s mistakes and shortcomings.
3. Determines and understands in which directions he/she wants to develop, what changes he/she expects from life.
4. Sets a goal and draws up a plan of steps to achieve it step by step.
5. Determines the steps that are suitable for him/her and the ways of self-development.
6. Strives to achieve his/her goals, makes efforts in the right direction to get out of the usual comfort zone.
7. Every day he/she works on himself/herself – fulfilling the tasks set!
Spiritual self-development
Negative emotions, memories and feelings are constantly destroying us from the inside. Spiritual self-development provides us with a spiritual path – a change of life in which a person becomes better in some way every day. Of the many ways, we suggest finding God in yourself and accepting and loving Him with all your heart. God is the source of everything, look around you, He has all the knowledge, all the strength, all the energy that a person needs for his or her endless development. How can you be happy without loving and respecting the person closest to you – yourself, and loving yourself and hating everything around you?
Spiritual self-development is the ability to accept yourself with all your positive and negative qualities, positive thinking, healthy habits and useful skills for a happy life. You will find positive thinking, healthy habits and useful skills for a happy life in spiritual development.
Mental health
Mental health: self-knowledge, self-analysis, mindfulness, and building willpower. It is a state of well-being and harmony with oneself, which allows a person to cope with various stressful situations in life, to be fulfilled in life, to study and work successfully, and to be sociable in communication with other people.
Personal growth
Personal growth is also associated with self-development – developing positive skills and habits, those strong qualities that you would like to share with others.
Personal growth is about self-realisation, about living life to the fullest and doing what you really want to do.
Our lives improve when we work on ourselves, and self-development makes us happier, with a holistic view of the world.
Self-development and self-improvement takes you on a journey of knowledge, skills and abilities. No matter how old you are, you can learn about yourself, become wiser, more aware, at any age! We promise that you will be satisfied with the richness of your own inner world, with the ocean of ideas that are waiting for your realisation.
You need to find time to spend on self-improvement and personal growth, and you need to be willing to spend your energy on it. Be prepared for daily work on yourself.
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Why do we need self-development in our lives? We turn to self-development practices when we feel that we need to change ourselves in order to be fulfilled in life…