How to reveal your talents? 5 steps to professional success!

Professional talents are our competencies, inclinations, skills and knowledge that give us an advantage in the labor market and in life. These are our strengths, thanks to which we know that we will be able to successfully find a job. Our most common problem is not the lack of talents, but the unawareness of their presence.

How to reveal your talents? 5 steps to professional success!

How to reveal your talents? 5 steps to professional success!

Talents. First: Take a Retrospective

Think back to your teenage years and think about what was easy for you. What did others notice and what qualities did they mention most often? Maybe you were class president or captain of the sports team? Or maybe everyone in class was always asking you to reschedule an exam? If so, we can assume that you have natural leadership qualities. Yes, these could be your talents.

Maybe you were more introverted after all? Did you create your own imaginary world? It may turn out that the ability to imagine various phenomena constitutes your creative potential and that you are ideally suited to work in advertising, graphics or computer games? Non-standard thinking works great in these areas.

Talents. Second: Learn to see your positive qualities

In this task, you are asked to write down 20 positive qualities about yourself. What am I like? This is a good exercise to get an idea of ​​yourself. Ask a friend, a work acquaintance, a boss, a colleague from the institute, your parents: how do they see you? What do they think is your advantage? Another person is a mirror for us. As humans, we naturally sense the talents of other people. When we delve a little deeper into ourselves, the advice of others will prove invaluable for completing this task. Listing 20 characteristics about yourself is not an easy task at all. All the more so if you do them and then believe in what you have written down. Because that is who we are.

Third: Describe your path to success

Each of us has achieved success. If you don’t think so, it means that you need another exercise, and it will definitely be useful before a job interview. This involves writing down at least five of your success stories. It’s best to take a pen and a piece of paper and write them down. These are specific examples (each described in 7-10 sentences) of how to achieve a goal. Here you need to write what you did step by step to make it work. Perhaps you can cope with this task if you know how to ask for help, easily convince others of your ideas, are good at analyzing and have an eye for detail, or, conversely, have a broad perspective and are able to look at the task from a bird’s eye view. Here you will find information about yourself in action.

Fourth: Take the competency test and reveal your talents

Fourth: Take the competency test and reveal your talents

There are many different tests on the market that will help you determine your professional inclinations. The most popular and proven is the Gallup test. This is a paid test. If you choose a free one, remember that it should not be a competency test called “what kind of animal are you”, because this test will not show you anything at all.

Fifth: Ask yourself: “What color is your parachute?”

The answer can be found in the most important career counseling book on the market with this title. In the publication you will also find a task to complete. The so-called Bolles Flower. This exercise is extremely helpful in creating a self-portrait, which, according to the author’s recommendations, should include, among other things: values, goals, interests, skills, and the desired environment or working conditions.

It is worth looking into yourself before you start looking for a job. This will allow you to search for a job and an employer wisely. This will help you avoid the very expensive process of putting on a mask and pointless attempts to force yourself to adapt to an environment that does not suit you. The most important thing to remember is the words of R. Bolles that “most job seekers who have failed to find their dream job have failed not because they knew too little about the labor market, but because they knew too little about themselves.”

Self-observation : Hey, hey, are you there?🙂 are you 100% present in everything you do, think, feel, say, listen, experience, eat?…

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