Angelic cocktail. How to quickly and effectively change your mood?
The bartender leans over the counter and asks what you want.
– Angel cocktail with testosterone and endorphins, please.
– Oh, is there anything special going on today? – Yes, today is the beginning of the rest of my life, so the confidence boost from testosterone and the euphoria from endorphins seems like a good combination for the occasion.
– That sounds fantastic, good luck!
“If only it were so easy to change your mood! If you just had to leave the house, go to the nearest bar, order the desired mood, pay a symbolic amount, raise a toast and return to yourself in a completely changed state of mind, what about tomorrow?” Or maybe it’s even simpler? Imagine that your brain has a chemical factory with six substances that you can use to create the emotions of your choice at any time – absolutely free.
Or maybe it’s even simpler? Imagine that your brain has a chemical factory with six substances that you can use to create the emotions of your choice at any time – absolutely free.
This knowledge was shared with us by David J.P. Phillips in his book “ The Hormone Revolution .” How to naturally harness the power of six of the most important hormones so you can become your own “bartender” and decide your own mood.
When you want to be in a state of full readiness, fill yourself with dopamine and noradrenaline, when you need complete concentration and oxytocin, and when you need harmony and serotonin, or a state of euphoria and endorphins, when you need to be confident thanks to testosterone, prepare yourself the appropriate angel cocktail and that’s it!
How to quickly and effectively change your mood? Angelic cocktail 6 most important ingredients

The main ingredients of the Angel cocktail are six major hormones. Each of them reveals a different role and can help us achieve the desired mood and well-being.
Dopamine: the driving force of action and pleasure

How does dopamine affect us? Dopamine is responsible for motivation, impulse, desire to possess, feelings of pleasure, and is also important for long-term memory.
An angel’s cocktail may contain two types of dopamine.
The first, called “fast dopamine,” involves an immediate release of dopamine that may not benefit you in the long run, such as consuming chocolate, mindlessly chatting on the phone, or eating chips.
By adding a little quick dopamine to your Angel cocktail, you can enjoy life, but you should avoid an excess of such sources of pleasure and limit their dosage so as not to make motivation dependent on external rewards.
The second type is “ free dopamine” which should dominate Angel’s cocktail. This is dopamine that brings benefits now or in the future, such as through learning new things, studying, being creative, being social, solving puzzles or seeing difficulties as opportunities for growth rather than problems.
Reducing fast dopamine will quickly promote the natural desire to return to slow dopamine. As an added bonus to producing free dopamine, it is worth finding your own emotional motivators, creating a dream board, striving for momentum, and trying swimming.
Oxytocin: Bonds and Humanity

Oxytocin is unique – psychologically, it’s probably the most important chemical in the brain. It’s what makes you feel present, makes you feel fulfilled, and under the right circumstances, makes you feel trusting, caring, connected, and generous.
Angel’s cocktail is not complete without oxytocin. This hormone allows you to feel human warmth, a sense of security, connection and belonging. Oxytocin makes people more human and has healing properties. Every day it is worth creating the right conditions for its production, enjoying the beauty of the world and cultivating gratitude.
Oxytocin production increases through social relationships, openness, sharing experiences, conversations, caring for others, and helping others. Any time presence, here and now, and empathy are important, such as when preparing for a date or when talking to co-workers, it’s worth enriching Angel’s cocktail with oxytocin.
This can be done by using techniques such as ho’oponopono (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness) or by viewing photographs that evoke compassion.
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Serotonin: social position, contentment and mood

Serotonin is clearly linked to life satisfaction, family, social status. People with good serotonin levels have the most of it. They are the most balanced, the least stressed, and the healthiest because they feel they have access to everything they need. Whenever their social status is uncertain, serotonin levels drop, and when stress occurs, it can lead to aggression.
Receiving compliments, being seen and heard in a social group increases the likelihood of increasing serotonin levels. Pleasure and harmony form the basis of the Angel’s cocktail, since other positive emotional states, such as euphoria, love, motivation, reward, excitement, are inherently transient. They appear and disappear, but harmony lasts.
While it is important to experience these temporary emotions frequently and intensely, a life based solely on them can become an endless roller coaster of emotions. Serotonin, like the foundation of Angel’s cocktail, provides a stable foundation when the emotional amusement park closes its gates for the night.
To create a strong serotonin-based angel cocktail , avoid chronic stress, exercise regularly, practice meditation, take advantage of natural light, eat healthily, develop self-esteem, and practice contentment, instead of constantly seeking new experiences and jumping between different life contexts.
Cortisol: focus, anxiety or panic?

Let’s start with the good side of stress and its three main components (cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline).
Cortisol is probably the most important hormone you have. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands release it into your bloodstream, which leads to the production of large amounts of glucose. Glucose (sugar) gives you energy to fight stress. Cortisol is also needed by your body because it balances the activity of your immune system during inflammation by providing it with fuel in the form of sugar, and has anti-inflammatory effects in the short term.
Adrenaline, in turn, speeds up your heart rate and blood flow to your muscles (which is why you may feel shaky) and, ultimately, relaxes your airways so that more oxygen reaches your muscles, allowing you to be stronger, for example in sports.
Norepinephrine gives you, among other things, a cognitive boost and increases your concentration and attention.
In combination, these substances are ready to act on you in three ways: flee, fight, or freeze.
Stress: It can be thought of as the gap between what you have and what you would like to have. Stress can be beneficial when experienced in small, direct doses. Enjoy it by introducing new activities into your life, exploring tension, stepping outside your comfort zone, facing challenges, and learning from each experience.
However, prolonged stress in large amounts is not beneficial. When stress becomes overwhelming, it is worth using a stress map, getting rid of habitual patterns , practicing meditation, doing moderate-intensity exercise, examining your beliefs, and using the techniques recommended in the section on oxytocin to reduce stress levels.
Endorphins: euphoria

The word “endorphins” has an interesting and telling meaning, as it is made up of the words “endogenous,” meaning “internally produced,” and “morphine,” which comes from the Greek God of Dreams, Morpheus. You can make it yourself not only to relieve pain, but also to spice up your Angel cocktail to feel on top of your life.
Like a cherry or a lime wedge in a classic drink, endorphins can be a valuable addition to your Angel cocktail! Smiling and laughing are great pleasures in life, and life without them can seem alien. If you feel like smiling and laughing, that will provide you with hundreds of mini doses of endorphins throughout the day. You can start by dancing, going for a good run, or daringly diving into ice-cold water to enhance the euphoric feeling thanks to endorphins!
Testosterone: self-confidence and victory

The biggest misconception about testosterone is that it is associated with aggression, but that is not necessarily the case. This sex hormone, like estrogen, has both more testosterone in men than in women, and more estrogen in women. However, the psychological effects are usually the same.
Perhaps it’s testosterone, which affects confidence, or becomes a tool that will give you the opportunity to advance in the hierarchy, which affects serotonin levels, that is, improves mood.
Testosterone can be considered a temporary part of your angelic cocktail. You can consciously increase its levels before various activities that will benefit you, such as before an interview, during social situations, negotiations or presentations. Elevated testosterone levels can affect poor judgment and the ability to control impulses, which is important to remember and not make too many important decisions at such times.
Here you learned about six hormones that affect how we feel and think.
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